Journey Toward Oneness

By Glenda | April 15, 2014

As I enter this my 76th year, I notice myself going through yet another cycle of self-reflection, one in which I am sometimes dismayed as I look back over the many and various ways I have, often, “missed the mark,” or “fallen short,” or simply “misunderstood” something essential to my wholeness. This painful realization can immobilize me, and it can foster a sort of hopeless giving up on myself. Then something comes to remind me that what is happening with me, this looking back with new insight, may be, if I allow it, really more a matter of “giving in” than of “giving up.” For surely I am being called urgently now to yield up aspects of my preciously guarded sense of self, aspects that prevent me from experiencing most fully my ultimate Self. As often happens, I am given help unexpectedly when I need it, as I was this morning when I happened to turn on the television, and there was this marvelous and insightful program, a repeat of a program from some years ago. Just what I needed. I am attaching below a brief excerpt from the hour long program; I wish I could find a link to the entire program. It comes from the website

And I say to you again, as before, that as I become less and less proud and certain of who I am, I become more and more tenderly aware of you, of all of us, in the great heart of life and love, each of us precious manifestations of the One that I can only refer to as the Great Mystery, for any other name seems too limiting. Blessings to us all. Glenda

Description of the tv program/dvd: “Beneath the seeming differences that separate the world’s religions, there is a deep undercurrent of teachings that point in the direction of Oneness, or “Unity Consciousness” — the indivisible totality of all creation, all beliefs, all religions and of the universe itself. The Journey Towards Oneness explores the concept of Oneness, and traces its evolution and expression through seemingly different religious and spiritual traditions. ”

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  1. Carol Henderson - 04/20/2014 at 3:45 pm

    Thank you for this, Glenda … Just what I needed, as well .. On this Easter Sunday, being grateful for the rain and the cool greenness … I thank you, as I too be come less certain of who I am and very much less proud. You put it so well, as always ..
    My love to you .. now .. always .. Carol

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