Archive for May, 2009

By Glenda | May 22, 2009

Perennials, Archetypes, and Eternal Life

Today the daylily that Rebecca Estes’ father hybridized in memory of Shelia and Rich’s son, Kenneth Collins, is blooming again here at Earthsprings. This morning, after taking a picture of it, I walked up the hill to the big old pecan tree under which some of Ken’s ashes were sprinkled. I spent some time thinking […]

By Glenda | May 14, 2009

A Life of Service

Jim Lemon wasn’t the very first person I met when I moved to Texas twenty-five years ago. But he was the first person I met about whom I thought “Now here is someone I can talk with about things that really matter!” And, off and on, we’ve been talking ever since. But it hasn’t been […]

By Glenda | May 7, 2009

A Quote from Ramakrishna

“We are all calling on the same God. Jealousy and malice need not be. Some say that God is formless, and some that God has form. I say, let one man meditate on God with form if he believes in form, and let another meditate on the formless Deity if he does not believe in […]

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