After Absence
You have received more love than mail lately from me. For good reason, I assure you. I was told by the eye doctor that the “narrow angles” of something in my eyes would threaten blindness if I did not have surgery immediately. So I did! The doctor wanted me to rest and rest my eyes, […]
A quotation from the book Creators on Creating: “Myriad connections, though perhaps unseen, exist between all things. While I may jump in the air, I fall down again; and the sun energizes plants and they energize us; molecule after molecule is stacked up to make a tree, which is pulverized to make the paper for […]
Write, she said.
Write, she said. Write anything. Just write. Never mind that my fingers are becoming arthritic, that I do not really like the keyboard on this new computer, the touch and feel and pressure required of it. (Is it only writers, “real writers,” which she insists I am, that are so affected by the wrong keyboard, […]