About Us
The Fellowship began its life in 1981 in San Diego, California. The vision of its founder, Glenda Taylor, of a non-denominational, ecumenical community was brought into reality by a dedicated group of people from
many walks of life who came together regularly to celebrate the Fellowship’s ideals and to share in a community of spirit.
The Fellowship grew from that beginning to touch the lives of many. Articles concerning the Fellowship and its director, Glenda Taylor, have appeared in various media including the San Diego Union, Womanspirit magazine, the San Diego Reader. Glenda has lectured and held retreats at universities and clubs, churches and other religious organizations in several states. Excerpts of her writing have appeared in a number of
books and other publications.
Activities of the Fellowship include worship, prayer, meditation, study, discussion, personal rites of passage, celebration of traditional holy days, and other communal celebrations. Fellowship outreach activities involve prison ministry, ministry to minorities, ministry to children, pastoral counseling, spiritual retreats, and various other programs.
The Fellowship is an open organization; all people who come in peace are welcome. All Fellowship events are alcohol and drug free events.
The mission statement of the Fellowship is as follows:
- A Great Mystery, beyond our ability to define, has been acknowledged in all ages and pervades all levels of reality.
- This Great Mystery, called by many different names in many different places, often is simply referred to as Spirit (Great Spirit, Holy Spirit, etc.).
- This One Spirit manifests in diverse ways–in every culture, in each individual, in every aspect of nature, and in each spiritual tradition.
- Every spiritual tradition contains riches of wisdom as well as practices that in its own way points toward the One Spirit.
- An attitude of peaceful respect toward all manifestations of this one Great and Mysterious Spirit is the goal of the Fellowship.
- The Fellowship seeks to honor and celebrate all spiritual paths, to whatever depth and extent it is able to do so while maintaining allegiance to the previously stated principle of universal respect.
- It is the Fellowship’s position that it is the privilege and duty of each of us to seek to learn about all traditions, thereby increasing our own personal wisdom and spiritual depth, as well as broadening our respect and tolerance for others.
- Along with its respect for commonly recognized religious traditions (such as Christianity or Buddhism), the Fellowship acknowledges and honors other currently less dominant traditions, such as Native American spiritual ways, other earth-centered traditions, and various other traditions–ancient and modern.
The Fellowship of Comparative Religion is made up of people who share a common spiritual outlook. Fellowship participants live in many places around the world and connection is maintained through local meetings, through this website, newsletters, and retreats held throughout the year.