Archive for February, 2012

By Glenda | February 22, 2012

Theology and A Way of Life

Amazing.  I heard those same words many years ago, although in another context, to be sure.   The same words.  Though used differently. Back then, it was a Native American elder speaking in a gentle and compassionate way to a group of interested non-natives. “Ours is not a theology,” he said, “it is a way of […]

By Glenda | February 16, 2012

Wintering, the Wellspring

I know you called and said you were waiting for me to post something personal, not just someone else’s quotation, but something I’m thinking about, because it’s important to share… I want to.  Every day I think about it.  I’m here waiting for it to shape itself into words.  Waiting for inspiration, for revelation, for […]

By Glenda | February 7, 2012

Wholeness and Courage

A quote from Marsha Sinetar: “…Wholeness exists to the extent an individual is conscious of and receptive to his innermost self…When we think about our own growth we probably think simultaneously of two co-existing and equally necessary elements: self-knowledge (i.e. knowing who the self within us really is and awakening to the values, needs and […]

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