Gratitude to Refugees from Africa
Amazing African teenagers sang and danced in an event organized to raise money for refugees that Chris and I attended yesterday in Albuquerque. They sang in Swahili and danced with such exuberance that one would never know the hardships they had endured coming to this country, so strange to them, just about 15 months ago […]
About Today
Today I had to reach deeply into the sources of my spiritual life, seeking the means to be with, in a sacred way, as I like to say, what I am experiencing of the outer world. It was not easy, for at first I could only see a world full of both bomb blasts and […]
Through Love Alone
Recently I discovered that my 9th great grandmother was tortured as a witch in Europe during the Inquisition. This led me to reflect yet again on how violence is engendered by religious extremism of every type in every age. The news today is full of stories of ISIS and “radical Islam,” and, on other […]
The Tragedy in Missouri
The gift of age can be to have a long view of things, allowing one to assess current events in the light of one’s history. The present tragedy in race relations, unfolding before our eyes on television, reminds me so much of the 1960’s during the upheaval of the civil rights movement. This similarity sometimes […]