Archive for March, 2010
Worthy words
My reading this morning of an essay by Alan Trachtenberg about the poetry of Hart Crane unearthed these two lines that so wonderfully encompass in my view a worthy spiritual practice: “…not to escape time but to find timeless fulfillment in it.” and further “…a struggle to free the transcendent without losing the immediate world.”
Centering in a Time of Stress
I was asked recently to post here something I presented years ago to a group in San Diego, and I am happy to do so, at least an excerpt from it. It was a talk concerning “Centering in a Time of Stress.” In that presentation, I first briefly discussed the level of stress my family […]
Here we go!
Here we go! The morning has arrived when I cannot walk in the meadow without stepping on tiny purples and whites and violets, when I can stand still and watch, literally watch, the greening happening and the blooming emerging, right before my eyes. An hour ago there were no pear blossoms, now here they are! […]